January 14: Gordon Shepherd, PhD (Northwestern): “Mouse motor cortex circuits and roles in oromanual behavior”
January 28: Alan Jasanoff, PhD (MIT): “Analyzing network-level brain processing and plasticity using molecular neuroimaging”
February 4: Guoqiang Bi, PhD (USTC): “Exploring the nervous system across scales”
February 11: William Allen, PhD (Stanford): “Mapping perturbations to phenotypes in tissue at scale”
February 18: Oscar Marin, PhD (KCL): “Maturation and plasticity of cortical interneurons”
February 25: Theodore Price, PhD (UTD): “Explanations of the human dorsal horn, from single cell sequencing to signs of disinhibition in neuropathic pain”
March 4: Liangcai Gu, PhD (UW): “Submicron-Resolution DNA Arrays for 3D Multiomics of Tissues”
March 11: Wenhui Hu, PhD (VCU): “Microglia-targeted CRIPSR/Cas gene editing therapy for NeuroHIV”
Fall 2024
September 10: Jing Zhang, PhD (UCI): “Characterizing gene regulatory grammar at a single-cell resolution”
September 24: Wei-Chung Lee, PhD (Harvard)” “Circuit Motifs of Sensorimotor Integration”
October 11: Masakazu Agetsuma, PhD (National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan): “Activity-dependent organization of prefrontal hub-networks for associative learning and signal transformation”
October 15: Vahid Yaghmai, MD, MS, FSAR (UCI): “Medical Imaging Research: From Bench to Bedside”
October 22: Daniele Canzio, PhD (UCSF): “How do neurons recognize self from non-self?”
November 12: Mark Wagner, PhD (NIH/NINDS): “Cerebellar computations across motor and cognitive behaviors”
November 19: Li Gan, PhD (Weill Cornell Medicine): “Innate immunity and neurodegeneration: challenges and opportunities”
December 3: Bin He, PhD (Carnegie Mellon University): “Brain-Computer Interface: Decoding and Modulating the Brain”
December 9: Special Symposium and Reception: “Your Brain on Art”More Details
December 17: Rui Chen, PhD (UCI): “Establishing a Comprehensive Cell Atlas of the Human Retina”
Summer 2024 – Special 2024 Symposium
August 22: Symposium titled “International collaborations between Latin America and UC Irvine”. Featured speakers included Geoffrey W. Abbott, Raul Gerardo Eusebio Morales Segura, María Elena Boisier, Jaymi Lee Smith, and Xiangmin Xu. More Details
Spring 2024
April 9: Xiaoyin Chen, PhD (Allen Institute): “Understanding cortical organization using in situ sequencing”
April 16: Weizhe Hong, PhD (UCI): “Neural Basis of Prosocial Behavior“
April 23: Yiqun Wangu, (UCI): “Transcriptomic reconstruction of embryonic patterning in a vertebrate model and an emerging invertebrate model”
April 30: Tian Lu (Harvard): “Spatially resolved single-cell epigenomics and functional genomics”
May 21: Lindsay Schwarz, PhD (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital): “Uncovering Diversity in Norepinephrine Neural Circuits”
June 4: Bomin Sun, MD, PhD (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Rui Jin Hospital): “Combined BNST and NAc stimulation for medical refractory depression: RCT and mechanism”
June 11: Huizhong Tao, PhD (USC): “Hypothalamic control of mood/emotion”
June 13: Johnathan Tang, PhD (Seattle Children’s Research Institute & UW): “Integrative approaches to tackling experience-dependent outcomes”
July 9: Dorote Lucci, PhD (Sofia University): “Exploring the Intersection of AI, Neuroscience, and Transformative Learning: A Whole-Person Perspective from Transpersonal Psychology”
Winter 2024
January 16: Donghui Zhu, PhD (Stonybrook): “Amyloid beta glycation leads to neuronal mitochondrial dysfunction and Alzheimer’s pathogenesis via VDAC1-dependent mtDNA efflux”
February 15: Sandeep Robert Datta, MD PhD (Harvard): “Using Machine Learning to Discover How the Brain Builds Behavior“
February 20: Michelle Jones-London, PhD (NIH/NIDS): “An OPEN Conversation: NINDS Strategies for Enhancing the Diversity of Neuroscience Researchers“
February 27: Yimin Zou (UCSD): “Planar cell polarity proteins in glutamatergic synapse formation and maintenance“
March 12: Keri Martinwich, PhD (Johns Hopkins University): “Cell type and spatially-resolved multiomic approaches for understanding human brain disorders”
March 19: Anubhuti Goel, PhD (UC Riverside): “Neural Mechanisms of Distractor Attenuation“
Fall 2023
September 26: Xiaoke Chen, PhD (Stanford): “Integrative analysis of descending pain modulation”
October 10: Bogdan Bintu, PhD (UCSD): “Applications of MERFISH Technology: Insights into Neurogenesis and Huntington’s Disease”
November 6: 2023 Symposium Featuring: Dr. Edward Callaway (Salk), Dr. Wei Xu (UT Southwestern), Dr. Alexis Bouin (UCI), Dr. Don Arnold (USC), Dr. Orkide Koyuncu (UCI), Dr. Tim Shay (Cal Tech), and more.
November 27: Hongyi Li (Cal Tech): “Engineering Viral Vectors for Acoustically Targeted Gene Delivery”
November 28: Hyungbae Kwon MS, PhD (Johns Hopkins Medicine): “Tagging and Controlling Active Neurons”
December 5: Andre Obenaus, PhD (UCI): “Neuroimagine of Alzheimer’s Disease Rodent Models”
Summer 2023
July 25: Weijian Zong, PhD (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): A Hybrid All-Optical Method with Miniature 2P Microscope for Studying Spatial-encoding Circuit
July 18: John Crawford, MD, MS (Children’s Hospital Orange County [CHOC]): Precision Medicine in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology
August 21-24: 2023 CNCM Conference:Structure, Function and Development of Neural Circuits
Spring 2023
April 6: Alex Kwan, PhD (Cornell): Visualizing drug actions on dendrites: from ketamine to psilocybin
April 11: Greg Horwitz, PhD (University of Washington): Color and luminance processing in the macaque primary visual cortex
April 18: Daniel J Sigwart, PhD, (University of Texas, Southwestern): The present and future of mRNA lipid nanoparticles (LNPs): From COVID-19 vaccines to Selective Organ Targeting (SORT) gene editing
April 24: Qing Nie, PhD (UC Irvine): Multiscale spatiotemporal reconstruction of single-cell genomics data
April 26: Fangyuan Ding, PhD (UC Irvine): RNA regulation at the single molecule level: from nuclear organization to molecular activity
May 3: Yi Zuo, PhD (UC Santa Cruz): The dynamic brain: Understanding the synaptic basis of behavior
May 10: Wei Li, PhD (UC Irvine): Computational Biomedicine: Epigenetics Liquid Biopsy and Alternative Polyadenylation Therapy
June 13: Richard Bazinet, PhD (University of Toronto: How diet and the liver help to maintain a healthy fat brain
June 21: Vikaas Sohal, MD PhD (UC San Francisco): Long-range GABAergic projections from prefrontal cortex and gamma synchrony
June 27: Qiaobing Xu, PhD (Tufts University): Organ and cell selective delivery using synthetic lipid nanoparticle for gene therapy and gene editing
Winter 2023
January 5: C. Dirk Keene, MD, PhD (University of Washington): Co-hosted with UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (MIND)
January 10: David Olson, PhD, (UC Davis): Psychedelics and Related Plasticity-Promoting Neurotherapeutics
January 17: Mehrdad Shamloo, PhD(Stanford University):Noradrenergic Modulation of Behavior, Neuroinflammation and Pathology in Brain Disorders
January 24: Meng Zhang, PhD (Harvard): A molecularly defined and spatially resolved cell atlas of the whole mouse brain
February 08: Zhaoxiao Yu, PhD (UC Irvine): Applications of mixed-effects models for more rigorous neuroscience data analysis
February 22: Hermina Nedelescu, PhD (Scripps): Neuronal ensembles for opioid-motivated approach and avoidance
February 28: Sheng Zhong, PhD (UC San Diego): Toward a blood-based biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease
March 8: X. William Yang, MD, PhD (UC Los Angeles):Decipher Molecular and Cellular Complexity of the Mouse Brain with Novel Scalable Tools
March 21: Michael Bruchas, PhD (University of Washington): Decoding Heterogeneity of the Locus Coeruleus Noradrenergic System in Arousal and Stress
Fall 2022
September 28: Dr. Peyman Golshani, MD, PhD (UC Los Angeles): New Open-source tools for imaging neural activity in freely behaving animals.
October 4: Dr. Rongxin Fang (Harvard):Analysis of Cortical Evolution with Specially Resolved Transcriptome Imaging
October 11: Dr. Sean Foxley (University of Chicago): Probing neural tissue microstructure with postmodern MRI
October 25: Dr. Li Zhang Director of the Center for Neural Circuits and Sensory Processing (USC): Neural circuits for valence coding, emotional states, and motivated behaviors
November 4: Dr. Takaki Komiyama (UC San Diego): Motor cortex circuits for learned movements
November 8: Dr. Trygve Bakken (Allen Institute for Brain Science): Cellular diversity and evolutionary specializations in human neocortex
November 10: Minisymposium, Psychedelics and Neuroplasticity
November 17: Dr. Yongsoo Kim (Penn State): Neuronal and non-neuronal cell type mapping in the mouse brain
November 18: Julio Licinio, Md, PhD, MBA, MS (State University of New York Upstate Medical): The epigenetic reader Plant Homeodomain Finger Proteins 21B(PHF21B) regulates social memory, associated behaviors, glutamatergic neurotransmission, and synaptic plasticity- related genes in hippocampus
December 5: Georg F. Striedter (UC Irvine): Evolutionary Conservation versus Change in Brains and Other Biological Systems
Summer 2022
August 11: Dr. Patricia Cogram (Universidad de Chile): Opportunities for New Insights into Alzheimer’s Disease from the Octodon Degus and Other Non-Traditional Models
August 15-16: 2022 CNCM Conference: Linking Brain Function to Cell Types and Circuits
Spring 2022
April 5: Dr. Jianhua Cang (University of Virginia): Visual Processing in the Mouse Superior Colliculus
May 10: Dr. Jonathan Ting (Allen Institute for Brain Science):New opportunities for primate cellular neuroscience in the era of single cell genomics
June 14: Dr. Xiaoyu Shi (UC Irvine) and Dr. Weian Zhao (UC Irvine)
Winter 2022
January 25: Dr. Joshua Trachtenberg (UC Los Angeles): Population drifts and the refinement of neural circuits in postnatal cortex
February 22: Dr. Bosiljka Tasic (Allen Institute): Cell types of mouse cortex: definition andexperimental access
March 1: Dr. Edward Zagha (UC Riverside): Neural mechanisms of target stimulus selection and distractor stimulus suppression
Fall 2021
September 21: Dr. Hong Wei Dong (UC Los Angeles):The mouse cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic network
October 26: Dr. Cris Niell (University of Oregon): Neural circuits for natural vision
November 9: Dr. Mark Andermann (Harvard University): Dopaminergic regulation of mating drive and associative learning via persistent cAMP signaling
December 7: Dr. Guang Yang (Columbia University): In vivo studies of pain-related changes of neuronal activity in the peripheral and central nervous system
Summer 2021
August 3: Dr. Nathan Insel (University of Montana): Social uncertainty, expectations, and rostral cingulate cortex.
April 20: Dr. Orkide Koyuncu (UC Irvine): Alpha-herpesvirus neuroinvasion: Deciphering the long path toward latency.
May 4: Dr. Sylvain Williams (McGill University): Using optogenetics to reverse memory deficits in Alzheimer mouse models and revealing the underlying mechanisms.
May 18: Dr. Hu Zhao (Texas A&M): Complete Mapping of Individual Sensory Nerve Axons from Adult Mouse Digits to the Spinal Cord at Sub-Micron Resolution with the Transparent Embedding Solvent System
June 1: Dr. Haijiang Cai (University of Arizona): Neural circuits for feeding regulation, the return of the amygdala.
Winter 2021
January 19: Dr. Anne Churchland (UC Los Angeles): Single-trial neural dynamics are dominated by richly varied movements.
January 26: Dr. Michael Jacobs Goard (UC Santa Barbara): Visual influences on the representation of the local environment in mouse neocortex.
Febuary 2: Dr. Aaron McGee (UL): Genetic and circuit mechanisms to close critical periods for neural plasticity.
March 30: Dr. Wei Xu (UTSW): The neuronal circuits that coordinate memory encoding and retrieval
Fall 2020
September 22: Dr. Bing Ren: Applications of Single Cell Epigenomics to Neuroscience
October 13: Dr. Daniel Aharoni (UC Los Angeles): Developing new tools for imaging network dynamics in freely behaving animals
November 10: Dr. Gina Poe (UC Los Angeles):Sleep to reframe your perspective: neural mechanisms at work to reconsolidate memories in light of new information.
December 14: Dr. Minhua Luo (Wuhan Institute of Virology): Herpesviruses: Neuropathy and Transsynaptic Tracers.