Our CNCM core currently offer Custom AAV virus services. We offer full service from gene synthesis/cloning, packaging to validation services. You can provide your plasmid or get one custom built to suit your needs. We offer over 150+ serotypes.

Expect a turnaround time for 5-7 weeks depending on service. Please note more complex cloning will require longer turnaround time.

After maxi prepping and packaging your DNA into your AAV serotype of choice, we purify with CsCl2 gradient ultracentrifugation to get rid of the empty vectors, titer> 1 x 1013 GC/ml in 0.5 ml. Titers are preformed via ddPCR.

ServiceUCI/ UC AffiliatesExternal
Viral Packaging
-Provide plasmid of choice
-*Maxi prep + Package into AAV serotype of choice
-Virus with titer of > 1×1013 GC/mL in 2 x 250 µL tubes
$ 2,079.12$ 2,729.00
Gene Synthesis + Viral Packaging
-Construct + clone vector
-Maxi prep + package into AAV serotype of choice
-Virus with titer of > 1×1013 GC/mL in 2 x 250 µL tubes
-20 µL plasmid DNA
$ 3,199.80$ 4,173.00
*Maxi prep fee can be waived if you provide 300 µg of DNA.
Testing, Validation, and Training Services (add-ons)

We offer testing, validation and training services for your lab’s need. These are add-on services with purchase of any of our viruses.

Service & DescriptionUCsExternal
In-vivo Virus Injection & Scan
-Perfect for test pilot experiments or lab lacking infrastructure
-Cost includes: animal housing, feeding, virus injection, sacrifice, perfusion, cut & scan
-Must provide: animal, additional antibodies
-Must purchase virus from CNCM depository or custom AAV
Surgery and Perfusion Training
-Perfect for labs considering setting up a new protocol
-Perfect for new trainees, junior scientists
-Surgery, virus injection, sacrifice and perfusion training
Silver Stain and Endotoxin Screen
-Validation of AAV purity
-Must purchase virus from CNCM.
$373.00 $500.00

What is the expected turnaround time for my AAV? Please allow 5-7 weeks for virus to be generated. If you are requesting cloning and synthesis services- it may take longer depending on the project.

How to I obtain a plasmid to package into an AAV virus? You may ship your plasmid to us or have the gene synthesized and we will do the cloning. Any plasmids on Addgene must be ordered by the lab then shipped to us.

What is the genomic insert limit? The packaging limit for AAvs is 5 Kb. Any larger vectors may require more starting material and higher costs; if we are unable to fulfill your custom order we reserve the right to cancel it at any time.

Can I send a Maxi prep of DNA? Please provide at least 300 µg of DNA prepped via cesium chloride or freshly prepped via DNA kit.

Can I order higher scale prep? Yes, we offer scale up. Please contact our staff.

How is the virus validated? We titer via qPCR or ddPCR using genomic targets or else ITR primer targets. If you are requesting additional validation see our “testing and validation” tab.

Do you offer custom Rabies, Herpes (H129), Yellow Fever Virus (YFV), Lenti virus services? These are offered on an case by case basis. Please fill out the investigator form and we will put together a custom quote for you.

Are my constructs kept confidential and how do I protect my Intellectual property? Your constructs are kept confidential and the intellectual property of your custom constructs belong to you. We only request in publication you site the UCI Center for Neural Circuit Mapping as the supplier.

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